Achieving Financial Bliss!

We all get overwhelmed with financial matters today. Every where you turn it will cost you and living in the recession everyone is forced to budget. It can be a scary thing to look at your finances and try to put yourself on a budget. The cost of living is not only going up it is expanding into hair care, fashion, music and various types of entertainment. At least I know I can compare my health, beauty and entertainment costs to what I pay for rent and in the eyes of a budget, my beauty would not meet the priority list. So how can you get the best of both worlds without feeling as if you left something out.

My solution is to just be aware. The more you know, the more you can avoid, learn more about and just stop doing all completely in order to meet your goals. For instance, I downloaded an app called Mint which linked all of my bank accounts, tracked my spending and created a budget for me. This app was a great way for me to be more aware and to set some realistic financial goals. It sent reminders and showed me where I was spending wrong. Just being more aware I was able to set my mind to make better choices and stop making stupid ones.

Now you ask, "How does this tie into having bliss" especially if you are broke. Well it is kind of like looking at the glass half empty instead of half full. It all starts with a better mind set and opening your mind to try something new. That is always proven to make you feel better. So why not grasp the concept: If you knew better, you would do better!
